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Danny Hong

Chairman & CEO

I majored in business administration in Canada and accumulated over 15 years of experience as a consultant in the Middle East Asia and foreign consulting firms, engaging in various business planning and investment-related tasks. Through this extensive experience, I have developed exceptional business acumen to navigate the external investment environment.


Drawing on my prolonged experience as a consultant specializing in the Middle East Asia, I founded B&B With Partners in 2022. B&B With Partners is on a mission to leap into becoming the top consulting firm in Korea specializing in the Middle East Asia, bringing together a team of experts with rich experience in the Middle East Asia's business and investment landscape, along with local business and investment partners.


B&B With Partners is committed to proactive and sincere communication with its valued clients at all times, aiming to deliver new business opportunities and achieve the best results. The company constantly explores services that meet the needs of its clients, striving to be recognized as the most trusted and respected Korean consulting firm specializing in the Middle East Asia.

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